Market Open! 2020

We are thrilled to see our customers enjoying the market. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support us through this crazy time.

With that said, It’s sugo season! Time to make your sauce. We grow all the tomatoes we sell, they are naturally ripened and incredibly flavourful!

Romanello (Small san Marzano) – $29.99/bushel

San Marzano – $39.99/bushel

Remember that to make a great sauce your tomatoes should be ripe! We recommend you pick up your romanellos 4-5 days before you want to process them, and the San Marzanos about 1 week before!

Come visit us 9-5 Mon-Sat and 10-4 Sun

Note: We do not place hold on bushels of tomatoes. The first hour of every day is reserved for seniors and those with compromised immune systems.